Meet Don Sturm
Don Sturm
Sturm's Berry farmDon Sturm of Sturm’s Berry Farm started farming berries at an early age, under the watchful eyes of his father and grandfather. This third generation berry farmer grows raspberries, black raspberries, red raspberries, Marionberries, blueberries, strawberries and blackberries on his farm near Corbett, Oregon. He makes the most of our Oregon soil and clean water to produce a berry with exceptional taste and nutrition.
Don uses 21st century technology to make sure folks who want to buy his berries have a way to get them. Sturm’s Berry Farm website features an interactive map of the US so that buyers can compute the shipping on every order of individually quick frozen berries from Sturm’s Berry Farm to wherever they live.
Look for Don, his wife Rosie and some of their children at NW Farmer’s markets selling their fresh berries and delightful jams and syrups. When not busy in the fields Don is an avid sportsman who loves to
hunt and fish.
Corbett, Oregon
black raspberries, red raspberries, marionberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries